శ్రీ ప్రకాష్ విద్యానికేతన్ తునిలో తెలుగు భాషా దినోత్సవ వేడుకలు ఎంతో ఘనంగా నిర్వహించబడ్డాయి. ఈ కార్యక్రమానికి ముఖ్య అతిథిగా శ్రీ అమ్ము వెంకట జోగయ్య శాస్త్రి గారు విచ్చేశారు. వారు మాట్లాడుతూ క్రమశిక్షణ అంటే ఇతరులకు బాధ కలిగించే పనులు చేయకుండా ఉండటం, డబ్బు సంపాదించాలనే కోరిక ఉన్న వారికి గురు బంధం అబ్బదు. ప్రాపంచిక విషయాల పట్ల ఆసక్తి ఉన్నవారికి చదువు రాదు. రేపటి పనులు ఈరోజు పూర్తి చేయాలి. మనం ఎవరికైనా నమస్కరించేటప్పుడు ఒక చేత్తో కాకుండా రెండు చేతులతో నమస్కారం చేయాలి. పంచేంద్రియాలు అదుపులో ఉంచుకోవాలి. ఎంత చదివినా ఒదిగి ఉండాలని, విద్య అనేది పుస్తకాలు మాత్రమే చదివితే రాదని దాని ఆచరించడం ద్వారానే వస్తుందని వివరించారు. ఆహారపు టలవాట్లలో కూడా మార్పులు చేసుకోవాలని, క్రీడలు పట్ల ఉత్సాహం కలిగి ఉండాలని ,వ్యక్తిగత పరిశుభ్రత పాటించాలని, ప్రతిరోజు శతక పద్యాలైన కుమారి శతకం, సుమతి శతకం, వేమన శతకంలోని పద్యాలు ఒకటైన నేర్చుకోవాలని వివరించారు. గిడుగు వెంకట రామమూర్తి గారి జీవితంలో కొన్ని ముఖ్య సన్నివేశాలు, వివిధ సాహితీ ప్రక్రియలు ఆధునిక విద్యా పోకోడలను విద్యార్థులకు వివరించారు. భాగవతంలోని ప్రహ్లాదో పాఖ్యానంలోని ఘట్టాలను విద్యార్థులకు వివరించారు.ముఖ్యఅతిథి శ్రీ అమ్ము వెంకట జోగయ్యశాస్త్రి గారు వివిధ పోటీలలో విజేతలకు బహుమతులను అందజేశారు. ఈ కార్యక్రమంలో విద్యార్థులు ఉత్సాహంగా పాల్గొని తమ మాతృ భాషాభిమానాన్ని చాటుకున్నారు.
Sri Prakash has a custom of inculcating patriotism in the young minds by celebrating various national festivals. As part of this tradition, we celebrated the 78th Independence day grandly. The chief guest of the occasion, Sri G. Chennakesavarao, Inspector of Police,Tuni circle, participated in the celebrations. He hoisted the national flag and was honoured with a wonderful march past by the NCC cadets and the school house teams. Addressing the students, he said that they must follow instructions given by parents to fulfill their dreams. They can achieve their goals only through strong will power and discipline. He further shared that every citizen must always realise the fruits of freedom and the perseverance of our freedom fighters. He asked the students to read different books from libraries as our leaders used to, to understand our country's heritage in the context of contemporary times. Dr. V.V.B.S Bangarraju, Director of HR, Sri Prakash Educational Institutions also took part in the celebrations and addressed the students. The students commemorated the sacrifices of our freedom fighters and national leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Rabindranath Tagore, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and others by dressing up like them. They sang national devotional songs in groups and the premises of the school echoed with slogans of "Bharat mata ki jai" and "Vande mataram".
Sri Prakash vidya Nikethan celebrated social week celebrations gloriously from 11th July world population day to 18th July Nelson Mandela's Birth anniversary. On 27/7/24 Mr.K.V.S.Jagannadham, Double M.A, B.Ed, working as a teacher in M.P.U.P.School, Valluru,Tuni Mandal was invited as the chief guest for the social week closing ceremony. As part of these celebrations,various events took place like map pointing, roleplay of reformers, quiz,project presentation,making models of monuments and landforms. Students of Grades- 4 to 9(State and CBSE) gave their scintillating performances on this occasion. The theme of our celebration is " WE BE THE REFORMERS TO RESTORE RESOURCES".
We have many reformers throughout the world, and they brought a great permutation in the society. Natural resources are essential for our survival. If over usage continues in the name of progress, there will be no natural resources left for future generations. Thus, it is crucial to take action now to be the reformers to restore resources.
Chief guest Mr. Jagannadham addressed the students on how to save Nature and urged all the students to take an oath to protect our mother earth and he also suggested each one plant one for their birthdays.
At the end of the programme, prizes were given to the best performers.
The annual event of 10th ANTARASHTRIYA YOGA DIVAS was conducted with great eagerness and enthusiasm at Sri Prakash Vidya Niketan, TUNI on 21st June 2024. Around 600 students from Grades V to X including the NCC Cadets made the day lively with the practice of Yoga Aasanaas . Sri Chadaram Sivaji garu, the renowned Yoga trainer of Sri Sitarama Dattatreya Yoga Sikshana Kendra, Tuni attended as the Chief Guest of the programme. Addressing the students and the staff, Sri Sivaji emphasized the importance of Yoga to lead a stress-free healthy life. He strongly recommend doing yoga for 15 to 30 minutes every day.
His speech followed an hour long demonstration on various Asanas and their importance. He started the demo with Om chanting, followed by various postures of Surya Namaskaram, Sukshma Vyayamam; and ended with Pranayama the master of all the asanas.
At the end, he administered an oath to the students, which highlights yoga as a beautiful way of leading a healthy life. The pledge is as follows:' I will abide by the well being of mine, my family, our society and of the world as a whole with the help of Yoga'.
Senior Principal Sri M.V.V. S. Murty; Smt. B. Sitarani, HM, SPVN Tuni; Smt. Prasoona Mouli, HM, CBSE , TUNI and Smt. Madhavi Sita Ratnam HM, Primary, TUNI and other staff members too participated in the programme.
Sri MVVS Murty garu, addressing the students advised them to be away from Junk food and to accept Yoga as a part of their daily course of life.
Finally, the Chief Guest of the celebration Sri. Sivaji garu was honoured with a shawl and a memento.
The festival Vasanth Panchami holds profound religious significance among Hindus. The Goddess of knowledge, Saraswati is worshipped this day.This festival is a preparation for the arrival of spring. On this auspicious occasion, the students of Sriprakash, Tuni performed Pooja, chanted hymns in praise of Goddess Saraswati to acquire knowledge. LKG to Grade-2 students wore yellow & white dresses .They worshipped with yellow flowers.The teachers expressed the significance of the day with their articles. The students chanted slokas of Goddess Saraswati.The day of Vasanth Panchami is also considered auspicious for initiating studies in young children.Pencils and pens of the students are placed at the idol of Goddess Saraswati for seeking blessings and enlightenment.They were distributed to the Primary and Grade-10 students. Teachers, Students and parents of Pre- Primary actively participated in the event and took holy prasadam of Goddess Saraswati.
Sri Prakash Vidyaniketan celebrated the 75th Republic day in a grand manner on January 26th, 2024.Mr. K.Bhaskararao , Income tax officer, Tuni was invited as the chief guest of the celebration. The event commenced with the hoisting of the national flag by the chief guest. He was honoured by NCC cadets with a commanding Parade. He spoke about the importance of coordination in a family as well as in a country. He stated that if the citizens of country don't have coordination our society will be weakened. Our Senior principal exhorted the students to be strong physically and mentally to make the country strong. He made an important point that we should produce things and not consuming things . Students showed their patriotism by singing songs and making speeches. The school echoed with patriotic fervour when the students spoke and rendered patriotic songs. NCC certificates were distributed to the students by the Chief Guest and the Senior Principal. The celebration came to an end with the distribution of sweets to the students.
With Janmashtami fast approaching, Prakashites had celebrations with traditional fervour. Children up to class 2 were beautifully dressed up as Krishnas and Gopikas. The school premises were decorated with peacock feathers and pots. Krishna was worshipped and idols of Krishna cradled. Children recited the slokas, sang songs and danced. The students also narrated the childhood stories of Lord Krishna. All students prayed to Lord Krishna with great love and devotion. The students were overjoyed when they hit to break the Dahi Handi. All Gopikas enjoyed the traditional churning out butter. Many parents participated in the celebration with a great joy. The whole celebration was splendid with colourful decoration and amazing performances of the students.
Sri Prakash - one of the best educational institutes in Andhra Pradesh, empowers students with modern technology through innovative and fun Visualizations, Quizzes and interactive modules for learning. Apart from focusing on overall Development. We take pride in creating an environment of excellence on our campus, so that our campus becomes a second home for our students, encouraging them to learn more and more.