The investiture ceremony in Sri Prakash Vidya Niketan, Tuni CBSE is a formal and prestigious event where students are selected as council members and bestowed with positions and responsibilities after going through physical and written tests.  
The program started with the unfurling of tri colour National flag by Sri Ch. Vijay Prakash, joint secretary, Sri Prakash Educational institutions. It was followed by the unfurling of the school flag by sri M. V. V. S Murthy, Senior principal. 
Sri Ch. Vijay Prakash, the joint secretary, Sri Prakash Educational Institutions, presented the sashes and badges to School Captains and Vice-Captains. 
The ceremony is followed by the March Past from the four houses led by the school Captain and Vice captains. The march past is the spectacular and spell bound one in the event. 
Mr. M. V. V. S Murthy, Senior principal addressed the students that honesty and sincerity towards our duty definitely bring recognition one day. He exemplified his point with an anecdote of super heroes and their tag lines like "With great power comes great responsibilities” and " I will do this all day". He highlighted the significance of leadership by saying about being responsible and consistent.
Joint secretary Sri Ch. Vijay Prakash emphasized the importance of leadership and enlightened them with a simple technique to become a leader by following 5 core values (Honesty, Respect, Cleanliness, Discipline, Self- Reliance) consistently, implement in day to day life, automatically will emerge as leaders. 
Senior principal, all the incharges, staff, students and parents took part in this ceremony and congratulated the newly elected Council members.
The list of elected leaders include:
House-Vice Captains:
Chola- k. Pauline Kelly
Kakatiya- M. Lakshmi Nikitha
Marata- D. Venkata Sai Surya Krishna Soumya. 
Maurya-S. Sri lasya

A Mini University

Sri Prakash - one of the best educational institutes in Andhra Pradesh, empowers students with modern technology through innovative and fun Visualizations, Quizzes and interactive modules for learning. Apart from focusing on overall Development. We take pride in creating an environment of excellence on our campus, so that our campus becomes a second home for our students, encouraging them to learn more and more.


