We have an Athidhi programme for grade-4 on communication. We invited Sub Postmaster, Mr. P.Varahala Babu, Ammajipeta, Tuni i. He shared about the personal communication through post. He explained postal services all over India. He shared that there is a Post office for every 500 people in every village of India. People can write letters to their friends and relatives on Postcards, Envelopes and Inland letters for their personal communication. They can send greeting cards and invitation cards through post by affixing the stamps based on the weight. People can send urgent messages through Speed Post, E-post and Register post. And also they can track it's status. People can send money through money order. People can send gifts, books etc to people in India and all over the world. He also explained about different saving accounts in the Postal System. Children have an interactive session with him.