Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible

#1 Junior College in Andhra Pradesh
Coaching Programs
- IndUs IIT- JEE mains cum advanced - 2 year program
- Deeksha IIT-JEE mains - 2 year program
- Disha NEET - 2 year program
- CETlite/CAPTEE EAPCET - 2 year program
Program Features
- Explanation of every concept in depth by subject experts.
- Solving problems using short-cut methods.
- Doubts clarification / Question paper discussion.
- Comprehensive Study Material
- Weekly tests and grand tests.
- Study hours are supervised by the same subject experts.
- Regular counselling and motivation.
- Student-centred coaching.
- Parents - lecturers meetings.
Program Details
- - India to US IndUS
- - to crack JEE Mains Deeksha
- - to crack NEET Disha
- - to crack EAMCET Desire
This program is designed to crack IIT, KVPY with limited number of students (CBSE &STATE) in the section. Classes begin every year in the month of April. Student will get admission based on his performance in the rest.
Class timings: 6.00am to 8.30 pm
6.00 am to 1.00 pm... Core subjects
2.00 pm to 3.00 pm ...Language
3.00 pm to 8.30 pm... Study hours
Everyday 4.30 – 5.30 pm Games
Senior faculty having more than 25 years of experience only take up the classes and study hours. Every Saturday they will have objective test and Monday paper will be discussed. After OMR scanning marks will be sent via text messages. Special assignments will be given for extraordinary students. Finally, students who joined in INDUS program trained to crack any competitive exam after plus 2.
This program is designed to crack JEE MAINS. Senior faculty having more than 20 years of experience will take up the classes and study hours.
Class timings: 8.45am to 7.30 pm.
Special assignments will be provided for hard working students. Every Saturday JEE MAINS model exam on that week syllabus will be conducted. Paper will be discussed on Monday. After scanning marks will be sent via text messages.
This program is designed to crack NEET. Senior faculty having more than 20 years of experience will take up the classes and study hours.
Class timings: 8.45 am to 7.30 pm.
Special assignments will be provided for hard working students. Every Saturday NEET model exam on that week syllabus will be conducted. Paper will be discussed on Monday. After scanning marks will be sent via text messages.
This program is designed for EAMCET aspirants. Program starts from day 1 along with IPE syllabus. This section students write both IPE AND EAMCET exam every week.
Class timings. 8.45 am to 7.30 pm.
Work sheets will be given during study hours and doubts will be classified.