The second-grade students of Sri Prakash vidyaniketan Annavaram embarked on an exciting adventure, exploring the fascinating world of transportation. Their journey took them to various locations, including a railway station, bus stand, bus garage, and a railway signal system.The young explorers were amazed by the towering trains, the bustling railway station, and the intricate railway signal system. They learned about the different types of trains, from speedy express trains to slow-moving freight trains. They also discovered the importance of railway signals in ensuring safe train operations.At the bus stand and bus garage, the students were fascinated by the colorful buses and the hardworking bus drivers. They learned about the different routes buses take, the importance of bus conductors, and the role of bus tickets in boarding the bus.Through this enriching experience, the students gained a deeper understanding of the various modes of transportation and their significance in our daily lives. They also developed a sense of appreciation for the people who work tirelessly to keep our transportation systems running smoothly.The school is proud of its young explorers and their curiosity to learn about the world around them.