

Sri Prakash Vidya Niketan is the best school in Andhra Pradesh which provides the right education with all required amenities to rural people of that area. An endeavor is being made to accomplish this objective through imparting quality education to the students with optimum use of modern educational technologies. Smart Learn Classes, Regular Comprehensive Evaluation schemes are implemented for the holistic development of the rural students to meet the international standard of education.

SRI PRAKASH VIDYANIKETAN, Annavaram is recognized by Government of Andhra Pradesh School Education Department and follows the AP State Board curriculum from Grade 1 to Grade 7. Our academic programme helps the children build a broader thought process, confidence, independent thinking, problem solving skills, finally moulding them to place themselves as responsible citizens in the society. We design our curriculum to ensure that desired activities are conducted at each level of kinder garden, Primary and Upper Primary. So that students have a smooth transition from one level to the other.

Process of Evolution
To experience the challenges of competitive examinations, we encourage and prepare the students right from class III. Students are given opportunities to participate in competitions like Chekumuki, Relance Quiz, Hindu Young World Quiz, National Children Science Fares, Ramanujan tests, NTSE, National Telugu Talent Test, National Hindi Talent Test, inspire awards, Bharat Vikas Parishad competitions, Kabaddi leagues, Griggs etc… and our students have always brought laurels to our school.


We Connect with the parent
Periodic PTM’s are conducted to ensure a thorough understanding among the students, parents and the school. Here parents and teachers can openly discuss the students’ Academic and the Non-academic issuesrelated to the school with the stake holders at the school
In order to create a strong bonding between the school and the students and their parents, we follow a unique system of home visits. Twice an academic year, we visit the students and their parents at their homes to understand the child, parent and their living circumstances. We discuss and exchange our views on the student's performance, traits, achievements etc. At the same time, we collect feedback / suggestions from the parent. This helps build a strong personal relationship among the student, parent and the teacher or the management at large.
Language zooming
In this digital era where searching, browsing and surfing the internet has become a day-to-day affair, we at Sri Prakash believe in reading books an essential part of schooling.We prescribe ‘3’ story books in three languages as a part of our curriculum. The students are made to enjoy reading and write book reviews.
We have designed a special programmenamed ‘Spoken English’ to improve the communication skills of students as well the teachers.
The words from the content books of all subjects along with their meanings, derivatives and usagesare compiled in a book called ‘Words In Focus’ to enrich the vocabulary of the students. On an average a child learns 150 words per subject in a year starting from grade – I. Role plays, debates, Story Telling, Essay writing, Jam rounds, picture talks, Group discussions etc…. are the different activities conducted in Spoken English Classes. Grades in SPE are taken into consideration for deciding the ranks.
To make our children enthusiastic readers, to motivate and to make them aware of the current affairs, we at Sri Prakash make newspaper reading an integral part of our curriculum. The students in the primary level subscribe to ‘Hindu Young World’ and those in high school read the ‘Hindu at school’.
Sri Prakash is proud of having a vast library of 1500 + books of different Genre. We subscribe to 4 different kinds of magazines and 3 newspapers in two different languages. Different activities are conducted ensuring book reading an integral part of schooling. It is open from dawn to dusk for active readers.
We provide experiential learning
We believe in "SeelenaSobathe Vidya" meaning Education shines only with good character. Corporal punishment of any kind is strictly prohibited. Discipline is given utmost importance. The cooperation of Parents/Guardians is sought in this regard to bring up a well behaved and disciplined child.
People from different Fields like agriculture, education, judiciary, police, medical and health etc… are invited to our school and students are chancedto interact with them. This direct interactions allow the students gain the knowledge of each profession and helps overcome the fear of interaction. Such a programme is called Atidhi.
We celebrate different occasions to make the students aware of the traditions and customs of religious festivals. Apart from this we also celebrate subject weeks to have an exposure on languages and subjects to enjoy the beauty of every subject through different activities like…..
Ghatarahemeradil (school foundation day)
Matru bhasha dinosthavam
Hindi divas
National Mathematics Day
National Science Day
As the name suggests, Field trips are the unique trips to the places in and around the town to acquaint the students about the places that are relevant to the lessons that are taught in the classes. A schedule is made for the entire academic year for each class basing on the lessons. At least three Yatras are held for each class in a year.
We nurture leaders and build team spirit
In order to encourage students in all aspects such as academics, sports, regularity, discipline, other competitive exams and achievements by students from other than the school are highly honoured along with their parents in the memorable programme “Abhinandana”. This is the special day for all the parents of achivers to interact with the Joint Secretary and the Head Master of the school followed by special dinner.
A mega platform for inter school competitions among the students of Tuni, Payakarao Peta and Annavaram named ‘Rim – Zhim’ . All the students of grades IV to VII participate in various competitions that are held under the domains of – Games and sports, Theatre arts, Literary events, Fine arts. Rolling shields are given for the best performance in the catagory of discipline, acedamics, School Activites and out of School Activites and over all Campion house on the day of closing ceremony.