A professional help in daily life.

Experiential learning is the process of learning by doing. By engaging students in hands -on experiences and reflections, they are better able to connect the knowledge learned in the classroom to the real-world situations. Grade 1 children as part of their learning about people who help us in our daily life, we invited a cross section of professionals to speak to our students about their roles in our daily lives. The speakers included a police officer, a security guard, a bus driver, a teacher etc... Each speaker shared their experiences and insights with the students, helping them to understand the importance and dignity of these professions in our society and the skills needed to succeed in them. The event was a great success and provided students with a valuable learning experience.

A Mini University

Sri Prakash - one of the best educational institutes in Andhra Pradesh, empowers students with modern technology through innovative and fun Visualizations, Quizzes and interactive modules for learning. Apart from focusing on overall Development. We take pride in creating an environment of excellence on our campus, so that our campus becomes a second home for our students, encouraging them to learn more and more.


