Science has always been intriguing right from the conception of the big bang theory till the present era of technological advancement.

This subject, if taught and learnt in an interactive manner with the resourceful reference to one’s environment, can be understood so easily as to help one in developing and nurturing analytical skills.

We conducted a science exhibition on 27th February.  Groups from 1st to 5th Standard participated in these celebrations.  They experimented and discussed the different exhibits finely created.  Some students had prepared interesting Charts, used for explaining a number of topics.  Many students who observed the show were very much interested in the show and were curious about the exhibits.





Some of the highlights of the display were :

Class Display
Ist Class How ice melts and turns into water
IInd Class How air occupies space and how it is everywhere
IIIrd Class Different types of houses
IVth Class Properties of air – Digestive system
Potential energy – Kinetic Energy
Chemical Energy – Force
Finding fats in different food items
Vth Class Planets in the Solar System
Frictional force-What a machine can do

A Mini University

Sri Prakash - one of the best educational institutes in Andhra Pradesh, empowers students with modern technology through innovative and fun Visualizations, Quizzes and interactive modules for learning. Apart from focusing on overall Development. We take pride in creating an environment of excellence on our campus, so that our campus becomes a second home for our students, encouraging them to learn more and more.


