Dr. Jeffry Wanko@ Sri Prakash

Dr. Jeffry Wanko is an excellent mathematical professor, who is from Miami University, Florida.  He has been currently working on Japanse logical puzzles.  He spoke on inductive and deductive reasoning which was very interesting.  It was used on the puzzles to find out rules to solve the puzzles.  He brought our knowledge to understand Japanese puzzles, shikaku and ripple effect and introduced a website “nokoli. Com” that contains thousands of similar puzzles. 

A Mini University

Sri Prakash - one of the best educational institutes in Andhra Pradesh, empowers students with modern technology through innovative and fun Visualizations, Quizzes and interactive modules for learning. Apart from focusing on overall Development. We take pride in creating an environment of excellence on our campus, so that our campus becomes a second home for our students, encouraging them to learn more and more.


