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New Additions to the Chemistry, Physics and Botany Collection!



We are pleased to announce the arrival of new books in the Chemistry, Physics and Botany section of the SPACES Degree College library!

New Titles:



Quantitative analysis/

Day, R A.

Laboratory manual of organic chemistry/

Bansal, Raj K.

Inorganic Chemistry: Principles of Structure and Reactivity/

Huheey, James E.

Comprehensive practical organic chemistry Qualitative analysis/

Ahluwalia, V. K.

Chemistry of biomolecules/

Bhutani, S. P.

Chemistry in daily life/

Singh, Kirpal.

A textbook of physical chemistry : Volume 1 States of matter and ions in solution SI units/

Kapoor, K. L.

A Textbook of Physical Chemistry Thermodynamics and chemical Equilibrium Vol 2/

Kapoor, K L.

A textbook of physical chemistry : Volume 1 States of matter and ions in solution SI units/

Kapoor, K. L.

A textbook of physical chemistry : Volume 3 Applications of thermodynamics SI units/

Kapoor, K. L.

A textbook of physical chemistry :quantum chemistry and molecular spectroscopy Vol 4/

Kapoor, K. L.

Textbook of Physical Chemistry : Vol - 5 : Dynamics of Cehmical Reactions, Statistical Thermodynamics, Macroeconomics and Irrevesible Processes/

Kapoor, K L.

Practical Chemistry for B.Sc I,II and III Year Students of all Indian Universities/

Pandey,O P.

Concise coordination chemistry/

Gopalan, R.

Essentials of Physical Chemistry/

Arul Bahl.

Nano Materials & Applications As per BSc Syllabus/

Borah,M N.

A Text book of Mushroom cultivation for Skill Enhancement Course/

Dr Chand Pasha

A Text book of Mushroom cultivation for Skill Enhancement Course/

Dr Chand Pasha

These books are now available for borrowing and can be found on the shelves in the Chemistry, Physics and Botany sections. Come and explore the latest additions to our collection!

For more information, please contact:



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