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Academic Policy Guidelines

SPACES DEGREE COLLEGE, Payakaraopeta, strives to achieve academic excellence by providing quality education to rural students through excellent teaching, learning ICT-based methods, and research pursuits. Continuous assessment of academic activities empowers students to evolve as self-reliant citizens committed to human welfare and sustainability. This policy document reflects the academic objectives of the institute and the strategies envisioned to achieve them.


The academic policy discloses the principal objectives observed and implemented for quality teaching at SPACES DEGREE COLLEGE. It defines the procedures for multiple levels of accountability in teaching-learning, ensuring quality education with responsibility.

The institute is responsible for developing professional skills, communication skills, creativity, design capabilities, in-depth knowledge, ethical standards in professional work, awareness of competence, and important technical areas among students. These efforts prepare them to be quality professionals capable of meeting challenges in the current era of advanced technology.

Quality parameters in the institute are mainly ensured through:

Academic Accountability and Assessment, enabling quality assurance through continuous improvement in all sectors.
Ensuring the quality of education by aligning course materials and syllabi with adequate standards while instilling societal and ethical values in students.
Delivering course content using appropriate ICT-based technologies.


Some of the challenges faced by UG students in an educational institute include:

Attaining in-depth knowledge of the subject/course, staying updated with the latest industry and professional trends.
Putting in considerable effort to gain practical training and enhance interpersonal skills, benefiting students throughout their careers.
Focusing on practical knowledge aligned with industrial trends.
Improving communication skills, technical abilities, and the capability to compete globally.


Academic responsibilities of different authorities/officials in an affiliated UG College are in accordance with the specifications set by regulating authorities such as the affiliating university, APSCHE, State Government, etc.

The institute's management ensures the implementation of various policies to fulfill the institution's vision and mission and manages it in line with required parameters.
The Director of the institute ensures the development and implementation of quality assurance policies and procedures prescribed by regulating authorities regarding academics and other fields.
The Principal of the institute maintains all institute records with the assistance of the office staff responsible for record management.
The Principal and Vice-Principal oversee both academic and non-academic activities in the institute, ensuring that these activities enrich and uplift both students and the institute.
The Academic Committee ensures the preparation of Academic Calendars, Semester Plans, and oversees all academic activities, including examinations, in accordance with the institute's policies.
The Research Promotion Committee ensures the mobilization of facilities and students for research activities, aiming for an increase in research paper publications and organizing/participating in seminars, conferences, workshops, etc.
The Examination Committee ensures the timely conduct of internal and external examinations, adhering to examination policies, academic calendars, and the publication of final results.
Heads of Departments ensure proper subject allocation, course completion, lecture planning, teaching-learning progress, and other academic duties.
Faculty members ensure quality teaching, timely syllabus completion, and the organization of invited talks/guest lectures, remedial/compensatory classes, class tests, etc. They also complete additional assignments as assigned by higher authorities.
Academic audits are conducted annually to improve academic and other related activities in the interest of students and the institute.


In general, the step-by-step processes of academic activities in an educational institute are as follows:

Heads of each department allocate subjects to faculty members based on their preferences before each semester's commencement. The department's timetable is then prepared accordingly.
The institute and departmental academic calendars are prepared, including academic, co-curricular, and extracurricular activities, as well as a list of holidays.
Lecture plans and Course Information Sheets are prepared by faculty members, verified by the department head.
Departments review the attainment of Course Outcomes (COs) of previous batches and devise techniques for improvement.
Course materials and content delivery are prepared using appropriate ICT tools to enhance teaching effectiveness and make it more student-centric.
Induction/bridge programs are conducted for newly admitted students in the 1st year class, familiarizing them with academic and other institute activities, as well as rules and regulations.
Workshops are organized at regular intervals to improve teaching effectiveness for faculty.
The Research and Development (R&D) cell ensures timely research activities related to seminars, workshops, conferences, and projects.
Faculty members ensure the conduct of assignments, tutorials, and class work, completing courses according to plans while maintaining attendance records.
Assignment, tutorial, and internal test marks are mapped for computing Course Outcome (CO) and Program Outcome (PO) attainment.
A mentor-mentee system assigns faculty as mentors to groups of 15 to 20 students, monitoring and addressing students' concerns.
Feedback committees collect feedback from students, alumni, teachers, parents, and the institute's management.
The Examination Committee ensures the timely conduct of internal examinations, assessment, and publication of assessment marks. It also conducts university examinations according to the schedule.
Various skill development workshops, guest lectures, and student-related activities are organized during the session, including cultural, sports, athletics, expert lectures, industrial tours, and educational tours.


Various committees have been constituted to ensure proper monitoring of academic activities and provide support services to students, including co-curricular and extracurricular activities.

The Academic Committee monitors teaching-learning, adherence to course plans, syllabus completion, examination standards, and student difficulties. It recommends necessary remedial actions.
The Mentor-Mentee System assigns faculty mentors to groups of students, maintaining academic and non-academic records and acting as primary contacts for students and parents.
The Student Welfare Committee organizes activities involving students and addresses student grievances.
The Feedback Committee collects feedback from various stakeholders and processes it accordingly.
The Grievance Redressal Cell addresses grievances of students and staff transparently and fairly.
The Discipline Committee ensures discipline in the institute and may take appropriate actions against defaulters.
The Extension Committee organizes various extension activities involving staff and students, including tree plantation, blood donation camps, cleanliness drives, cultural activities, sports, athletics, and more.
The institute may constitute other committees/cells for better coordination regarding academic affairs.


Under the guidance of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), academic auditing is carried out annually in each department of the institute by an academic audit committee. This committee includes internal and external experts. The IQAC monitors all academic activities, including internal evaluations and examinations, co-curricular and extracurricular activities, mentoring, and feedback mechanisms.


Faculty development programs are regularly organized in the institute to facilitate continuous learning and improvement for faculty and staff. These programs promote the sharing of good teaching practices and innovative teaching methods among faculty members.


Personality development programs are conducted continuously and regularly, featuring prominent counselors and expert guest lecturers. Senior faculty members also contribute by delivering lectures to students.


The institute has established a dedicated Training and Placement Cell (T&P Cell) actively engaged in making placement drives successful. This includes organizing


Sri Prakash - one of the best educational institutes in Andhra Pradesh, empowers students with modern technology through innovative and fun Visualizations, Quizzes and interactive modules for learning. Apart from focusing on overall development, we take pride in creating an environment of excellence on our campus, so that our campus becomes a second home for our students, encouraging them to learn more and more.

